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Winston Workstation Quad Freestanding Sit-Stand - Denver | Office Furniture
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Winston Workstation Quad Freestanding Sit-Stand

Convert your desk to a healthy sit-stand workstation in minutes. Winston Workstation quad freestanding sit-stand supports a four monitor setup and features push-button height adjustment. Winston Workstation Quad is the only sit-stand workstation to mount four monitors.


Winston Workstation® – Energizing your body. Inspiring your mind. Instantly converts any desk into a sit-stand workspace boosting health and productivity.

Recent studies have shown that sitting throughout the day can have the same negative health consequences as smoking. Winston seamlessly integrates into your workday for a boost in health and wellness.
View all Winston Sit-Stand Workstation models.


  • Quick, easy monitor install. Take the work out of adjusting and replacing monitors. Simply attach, adjust, and remove all at the face of the beam. No need to slide monitors to remove.
  • Engineered for stability. Designed to accommodate standing work without the distraction of unwanted movement.
  • Expansive work space. Large surface and convenient storage tray allow you to bring all necessities with you when you stand.
  • Upgrade your space. Retrofit your existing desk into a healthy workspace with the freestanding base.
  • Seamless height adjustment. Features a 17” range of vertical height adjustment and a locking cylinder to keep the workstation in place. No manual adjustment needed.
  • Cable management. Cable clips in the column and beam keep the cables organized and out of the way.
  • Winston is assembled in the USA.
  • Additional mounting options: clamp mount and thru mount also available.
  • This is a special order item with an average lead time of 4 weeks.