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Winston-E Sit-Stand Workstation Single Monitor Mount - Denver | Office Furniture
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Winston-E Sit-Stand Workstation Single Monitor Mount

Transform your desk into a healthy sit-stand work space with Winston-E. Offers a single monitor mount and 18″ of effortless height adjustment.


Winston-E™ – Empower Higher Thinking

Winston-E is a responsive powered riser that takes the sit-stand conversation to a whole new level. The next-generation retrofit work surface is engineered for ease and freedom of movement. Fully loaded, we’ve thought of every detail for Winston-E so you’re free to think about what’s important to you.
View all Winston Sit-Stand Workstation models.


  • One-touch power: set it and forget it. Electric power to supercharge height adjustment with the touch of a button. Programmable control remembers your height for sit and stand.
  • Ergonomic monitor adjustment. Independent movement of the monitor lets users keep their monitor at a comfortable, ergonomic level.
  • Quickly retrofit to any desk or table. Installers can get Winston-E from box to up and running in less than 20 minutes. No need to move or replace furniture.
  • Expansive work surface. A large work surface and newly designed storage tray allows you to bring all necessities with you when standding.
  • Upping the ante with bold style. Robust electronics encased in a sleek design with modern edges and clean lines.
  • Winston-E is available in a single, dual, or triple monitor configuration.