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Apple iMac VESA Single Sit-Stand - Denver | Office Furniture
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Apple iMac VESA Single Sit-Stand

Winston for Apple iMac VESA – a sit-stand workstation designed for iMac users with a VESA-compatibleĀ Apple iMac monitor. Locking cylinder provides stability while working. Expansive workspace is large enough to hold all necessary work tools.


Winston WorkstationĀ® ā€“ Energizing your body. Inspiring your mind.

Now Apple iMac users can join the standing revolution. Winston Workstation is now compatible with VESA-compatibleĀ Apple iMacs, allowing iMac devotees to take advantage of all the health benefits standing while working offers without sacrificing Apple-specific programs or the user interface that works best for them.

Graphic design studios, architecture firms, and other offices using iMacs will be able to easily convert any desk into a healthy Apple iMac sit-stand workstation. Like the original Winston, Winston for Apple iMac seamlessly integrates into the day for a boost in health and wellness without disrupting workflow.

The Winston Apple iMac sit-stand workstation comes with a white finish to complement the clean aesthetic of the iMac.
View all Winston Sit-Stand Workstation models.


  • Engineered for stability. Designed to accommodate standing work without the distraction of unwanted movement.
  • Expansive work space. Large surface allows you to bring all necessities with you when you stand.
  • Upgrade your space. Retrofit your existing desk into a healthy workspace.
  • Seamless height adjustment. Features a 17ā€ range of vertical height adjustment and a locking cylinder to keep the workstation in place. No manual adjustment needed.
  • Cable management. Cable clips in the column and beam keep the cables organized and out of the way.
  • Winston for Apple iMac is assembled in the USA.