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9120-FM – Dual Monitor Pole Mount - Denver | Office Furniture
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9120-FM – Dual Monitor Pole Mount

The 9120-FM dual monitor mount displays two flat panel monitors side-by-side on independent articulating monitor arms from one point on the desk. Save space and adjust each monitor arm for ergonomic comfort.

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Easily mount two flat paneled computer monitors side by side with the space-saving 9120-FM dual monitor mount. The articulating monitor arms allows users to position each monitor independently of the other, and quickly adjust, pivot, and place as needs change. The included 14” pole mount enables users to set the height at any desired position.


  • The dual monitor mount includes FLEXmount with six mounting options
  • Includes at 14” standard pole mount; custom pole mount lengths are also available
  • Provides 200 degrees of monitor rotation at two pivot points
  • Space saving monitor desk mount design allows approximately 3″ of space behind the dual monitors
  • Friction control system provides smooth adjustement while adjusting the position of the dual monitor arms
  • Able to adjust each monitor independently
  • VESA monitor stand compatible – 75mm & 100mm VESA adapters included. Please call for non-VESA options
  • The 9120-FM Dual Monitor Mount can be combined with all Innovative mounting options (sold separately)
  • Optional upgrade to quick install/release monitor mount bracket; please consult your sales rep for details