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7050-Switch – Tablet & Dual Monitor Mount - Denver | Office Furniture
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7050-Switch – Tablet & Dual Monitor Mount

Ideal for active workplaces, the 7050-Switch dual monitor arm easily supports your iPad or tablet and two flat panel monitors from one point on the desk

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The 7050-Switch tablet & monitor mount allows mobile workers to combine their tablet or iPad with dual full-sized monitors. This tablet and dual monitor arm positions three screens for maximum comfort and productivity while working at your primary desk. When it’s time to leave, just grab your iPad or tablet and go.


  • Dual monitor and tablet mount positions tablet or iPad and monitors independently of the other
  • Easily position monitors and tablet in portrait or landscape configuration
  • Adjustable tablet brackets accommodates most iPads and tablets
  • The quick attach and release feature securely grips the iPad or tablet
  • Adjustable clasps allow free access to jacks and ports
  • The dual monitor and tablet mount provides integrated cable management that keeps cords off the desk.